Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Adam had a sinus surgery today just to clear up some polyps. polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. He went down to the preoperative room around 7:45 and went in for surgery at about 8:30. I hung out with him until they took him back and then I came back to our room and showered. His mom showed up and kept me company in the wrong waiting room. We eventually made it to the right place, we wait for a couple minutes and after the receptionist called me Mrs. Soderborg (which was totally weird by the way.) Then we got to see Adam. The nurse said he sailed through the surgery and was recovering quite nicely. She was a very sweet lady and boasted my hunny's ego when he looked in the mirror to see his nose and said he was a handsome man. =) 
I was able to stick around until he got back to his regular room. Then I had to go class where I didn't pay a whole lot of attention. I realized that for the first time I was responsible for someone. So after class I ran home to get more clothes since we will be here for a couple more days. He is doing pretty well minus some pain but things seem to be moving along smoothly. Adam will hopefully be able to go home! I can't wait to be out in the sunshine and take my hubby home! =) 

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