Saturday, October 20, 2012


The last week has been laced with ultrasounds and blood draws. We were getting closer and closer to making an appointment for the retrieval. I even have awesome circles on my back side for more injections. Today was supposed to be the day that we scheduled our retrieval so we did an ultrasound and checked an estrogen level. The doctor wanted to make sure my estrogen was still going up which it has been all week. She has said they wanted it to be 200 for each egg. At approximately 11:00 am I got a phone call from the doctor (usually it is a nurse). She said that she had bad news. Not what I expected to hear. She told me that my estrogen level had dropped by more than half. It had been over 1,000 yesterday and was only 490 today. I was crying quite a bit by now and can't really remember all that she said but she thinks that my ovaries got tired and gave up. She said that maybe if they had done more of the Repronex it might have helped. They were worried about overstimulating me so they didn't want to do a lot of Repronex. 

The next step for us is to make an appointment with our doctor and figure out what our options are. I think they will change my drugs a little bit but I have no idea when we will be able to restart everything over again. I am kind of apprehensive about it because I don't like these injections especially the Repronex. I want to have babies and I want them to be Adam's so I know I can't give up on this option yet. I don't understand all of this yet and why this happened. I know God has a plan but it is not very clear to me. I hope He will make it known to me soon. I was hoping that we were done with set backs but I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised because that is all this process has been is set backs.

Anyway...I am having a hard time with this and not sure how to deal with it because I have never gone through anything like this. I really appreciate all my family and friends and their kind words. I love you all so much. I especially couldn't do this without my hubby. He has been so good to me and has been my rock. I couldn't ask for a better partner to go through this with. I will keep you all updated when we find out more information. Thanks.


Adam said...

You are a wonderfully strong woman with a heart of gold. Thank you.

cindy baldwin said...

:( Sending prayers your way. I love you!

Ben said...

We love you sorry.

65rosepoet said...

I am in a wheelchair right now. Not where I expected to be either. Bang your head against the wall a few times and say a long prayer.
