Monday, September 26, 2011


Last week on Monday, I got a phone call from my friend Nikki at around 11:00 am. She informed me that Spencer (her hubby and my friend) was rushed to the hospital due to low oxygen saturation. Since Nikki doesn't have any family here other than Spencer's family who all live kind of far away, I headed up to the hospital to be with her. Hours past before we really knew what was going on besides that he had a collapsed lung that was pushing against his heart. The CF doctor came in and told Nikki that Spencer might not make it through the night. They were worried that he had an infection that he would have to fight on his own until the antibiotics kicked in. It was possibly the most frightening thing I have ever heard and I can't even imagine what Nikki was going through. I have a little bit of an idea since Adam has CF as well but we have never been in that scary territory. We started asking for people to pray for Spencer and Nikki.
 Anyway...Spencer's family and Adam came up to keep us company while we waited. It was 5:00 pm or so before Nikki could go back and see him. I didn't see him until after shift change and after I took Adam to work. So it was about 9:00 pm when I saw him. They had him hooked up to a ventilator, chest tubes, IV's, you name it he was probably hooked up to it. It was kind of a scary reality in a way. Nikki stayed over at our house because we live really close to the hospital and they live in Layton, which is about 30 minutes from here. I wanted her to be close in case something happened. I had a restless night for the most part but no phone calls all night. Needless to say, it was a rough week. 
BUT today, I received good new from Nikki! Spencer is now off the ventilator and is breathing on his own! Yesterday, he was awake, alert, able to sit up and stand! I can't believe what a miracle this is and I honestly feel like it was because of all the prayers that people said. People from all over the country were praying and keeping Spencer and Nikki in their thoughts. It was the most amazing thing to see the power of prayer at work. I just want to say that I am thankful to have these two in my life. Nikki and I can lean on each other when our husbands are sick and that is the best thing to have because a lot of people don't understand what it really means to be a CF wife. Also, I want to thing all the girls in the CF Wives group! They were there in a sense to help Nikki through this scary time. And to everyone else that prayed and kept them in their thoughts. ♥ 
I am so thankful for my husband for being there with us! And to Jody for bringing us food and drinks! It was super helpful. 


Emilee said...

So glad to hear! I pray he keeps progressing and getting better!

Jenny Livingston said...

I don't know Nikki or Spencer personally (though I have passed them in the hall a few times when Spencer and I have been inpatient at the same time) but I've seen a lot of Facebook updates about them and you better believe I've been praying/sending all the positive energy I can! It's great to hear that he is doing better and I hope he continues to do so! My thoughts are certainly with them.
